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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query tanuki. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

No Snow, No Tripod, No D300 But Another Kyoto's Shot !

I don't want to leave any negative comments on the top of my blog. I'm posting a couple of snapshots that I took from the recent trip to Japan.Nothing spectacular, but better than venting. By the way, the weather there was extremely hot in September !

Kinkakuji Shrine (Golden Pavilion)  is the popular name for one of the main buildings of a Buddhist Japanese temple in Kyoto Japan. The name Golden Pavilion comes from the Japanese term Kinkakuji, which literally means the temple of the Golden Pavilion.

I was lucky enough to met "Bishamonten" , The Samurai's god of war and warriors, and a dispenser of wealth and good fortune. Bishamonten is also considered a god of healing, with the power to save emperors from life-threatening illness and to expel the demons of plague. One who hears everything; lord of north; bestower of treasure and wealth; heals illness; expels demons and evil; also known as the Great Black Warrior.

Angel & Demon nearby the Shrine.

Shinto architecture is the architecture of Japanese Shinto shrines.This image was shot at Kinkakuji shrine.  

Yasaka Shrine,Kyoto - just about 10 minutes walk from Gion.

The great lantern of Maruyama Park,Kyoto.

 A statue of another great samurai, Sakamoto Ryoma and Nakaoka Shintaro in Maruyama Park,Kyoto Japan. Ryōma has inspired at least seven television drama series, six novels, seven manga and five films.Ryōma was assassinated at the age of 33 and killed on his birthday in 1867 at the Ōmiya inn in Kyoto, not long before the Meiji Restoration took place.Initial reports accused members of the Shinsengumi for Ryōma and Nakaoka Shintarō deaths, but another pro-Shogun group, the Mimawarigumi's Imai Nobuo confessed to the murder in 1870.

Erika with Ninja at Uzumasa Egamura, Kyoto

The Sagano and Arashiyama districts are located in the western part of Kyoto City. In the 8th century, aristocrats often came to this area of rice fields and bamboo woods to enjoy the colored leaves, or to go boating. The landscape today is still reminiscent of that period.

Sagano in Arashiyama Mountains,Japan.

The Romantic train at Sagano

The legendary Tanuki- Japanese Raccoon Dog.In Japanese folklore the Tanuki has great physical strength and supernatural powers and it is a master of shape-changing!

 The cold stream at Arashiyama Mountains.

Date Masamune ? I have few theories about this Samurai Kobuto (helmet) . First is that it wasn’t suitable for battle. It must have merely been decorative. My other theory -the designer who designed it secretly wanted the person who wore it to be killed rather quickly...hehehehehe...

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All images copyright © Langkawi Ink.Com. All rights reserved

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Kyotografi: Shigaraki & Tanuki !

Saya bertolak ke Shigaraki awal pagi tersebut untuk melawat muzium ninja, tetapi saya sempat singgah sebentar di beberapa kedai tembikar di sana kerana tertarik dengan hasil kerja seni orang-orang Jepun membuat Tanuki daripada tanah liat. Saya mendapati harga tembikar tersebut cukup mahal malah ada yang mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit !!

Nikon D3000 + Nikkor 50mm f/2.8 — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200

Nikon D3000 + Nikkor 50mm f/2.8 — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200  

Nikon D3000 + Nikkor 50mm f/2.8 — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200

Nikon D3000 + Nikkor 50mm f/2.8 — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200

Nikon D3000 + Nikkor 50mm f/2.8 — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200

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All images copyright © 2012 Langkawi Ink.Com. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Sepanjang Pendakian Ke Tanukidaniyama Fudouin Di Kyoto.

Entah macam mana tiba-tiba saya berhasrat benar untuk melawat Tanukitanisan Fudouin Temple walaupun niat sebenar hanyalah untuk melawat Kibune jinja. Tanukidaniyama Fudouin ini sebenarnya terletak agak berhampiran dengan Kibune jinja dan anda harus mengambil keretapi dari Eizan station yang terletak di Demanchiyanagi. Rata-rata pengunjung yang datang ke sini agak kurang sewaktu saya disini tetapi pekan-pekan kecil di persekitaran kawasan ini akan dibanjiri dengan puluhan ribu manusia pada waktu-waktu tertentu seperti musim luruh dan pada 22hb Oktober sewaktu Kurama fire festival diadakan. Selepas menaiki keretapi Eizan line, anda harus turun di stesen E04 - Ichijoji dan pendakian anda ke Tanukidaniyama Fudouin bermula disini. Jangan membawa terlalu banyak membawa bekalan ataupun pek-pek minuman untuk mendaki ke Tanukidaniyama kerana Kyoto cukup terkenal dengan vending machine dan mesin tersebut memang terdapat di sepanjang pendakian untuk ke sana.

Untuk peminat-peminat fotografi, pastikan anda membawa bersama 3 jenis lensa utama seperti makro, wide angle dan potret kerana kegagalan anda membawa ketiga-tiga lensa tersebut boleh menyebabkan anda menyesal seumur hidup unless anda mempunyai lebihan wang untuk datang semula ke sini dikemudian hari. Anda juga dinasihati agar menghormati jizo-jizo dan patung-patung tanuki disini walaupun kita berlainan agama dan mempunyai kepercayaan yang berbeza. Jangan dipandang rendah perkara-perkara ini kerana Tanukidaniyama Fudouin ini adalah tempat sacred and suci untuk orang orang Jepun dan anda juga dinasihati jangan membuat bising sepanjang anda berada disini. Saya juga ingin menjelaskan beberapa perkara dan harus diambil kira sebelum anda berfikir untuk datang kesini. Secara jujurnya, saya berpendapat orang yang "semput" tidak sesuai untuk melawat ke sini kerana ratusan anak-anak tangga yang harus didaki dan perjalananannya juga agak mencabar terutama sekali kepada anda yang datang ke sini bersama anak-anak kecil .

Apa-apa pun, kepada anda yang berjaya sampai ke puncak Tanukidaniyama Fudouin Temple ini, ada akan dapat melihat sendiri tempat dimana Musashi Miyamoto bertafakur dan berlatih bermain pedang serta monumen Hanshin Tiger yang menjuarai kejohanan baseball Jepun pada tahun 2005. Saya pasti anda akan kagum dengan ketenangan tempat ini sambil menikmati ratusan patung-patung tanuki yang menghuni diseluruh pelusuk pergunungan ini.


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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Japanese Koi Pond - Do It Yourself (DIY).

Saya akui yang lawatan saya ke Istana Matsumoto di Wilayah Nagano, Jepun pada  beberapa tahun yang lepas banyak membuka minda dan minat saya untuk membela ikan koi hiasan. Kepada anda yang pernah ke sana, anda pasti terpegun apabila melihat ikan-ikan koi yang sebegitu besar dan sihat berenang-renang bermain dipersekitaran istana tersebut. Sekembalinya saya ke bandar Kyoto, saya dapati ruangan rumah disana adalah cukup kecil dan terhad - tiada ruang untuk saya membina kolam kerana kesempitan ruang. Ini kerana halaman rumah disana adalah terlalu padat dimana kawasan di hadapan rumah dipenuhi dengan rumah-rumah manakala belakangnya pula adalah kawasan jurang serta mempunyai anak sungai yang mengalir lesu (dulu tebing sungai ini adalah kawasan permainan Tanuki liar ataupun Japanese racoon dog).    

Hasrat saya untuk membina kolam sendiri akhirnya tercapai selepas saya membeli rumah  di Pulau Langkawi. Kolam ikan koi DIY (Do It Yourself) ini akhirnya berjaya dibina atas bantuan adik saya - peminat setia ikan koi. Percaya atau tidak, kos untuk membuat kolam ini adalah jauh lebih murah sekiranya anda tahu membinanya sendiri. Kalau ingin mengupah orang untuk membinanya, saya percaya kos pembuatannya boleh mencecah ribuan ringgit. Selain daripada perkara kebocoran kolam dan pam, banyak perkara yang harus diambil kira sebelum kita membina kolam koi. Perkara tentang pepohon naungan ataupun pokok-pokok yang perlu ditanam bagi menurunkan suhu kolam agar tidak terlalu panas harus difikirkan. Faktor-faktor lain seperti penjagaan kebersihan kolam dan kesihatan ikan juga perlu diambil kira.  Sebagai contoh, menanam pokok-pokok  gantungan bukanlah idea yang baik kerana lambat laun, dedaun ataupun debunga dari pokok-pokok tersebut akan jatuh kedalam kolam serta mengotorkan air kolam...


Semua imej hanya dari Iphone.

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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Revisiting the Road to Kofu: Furinkazan !

I love Kofu! As the Samurai say - "There is indeed something spiritual in this place. And though it may forever be obscure to me, I cannot but be aware of its power.I do know that it is here that I've known my first untroubled sleep in many years... But I like to think that I may have at last found some small measure of peace, that we all seek, and few of us ever find....."  

Notice the Takeda Shingen statue in the background. You can find it to the right as you exit the Kofu Station. It is one of the few things that hasn’t changed since it was erected in 1969. This is another memorable shot.

Shingen's Kamon. His war banner contained the famous phrase Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan "Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain", taken from Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War.The motto applied to Shingen's policies and his military strategy.

Shingen Yoroi. Be here during the Shingen festival and you can see wave of Shingen’s 24 regiments made their appearance at the shrine which I suppose would translate into something like “victory in war blessing ceremony.”

 The Osuwa-Daiko origin can be traced to one of the most famous samurai battles in the history of Japan "Kawanakazima-Samurai Battle War" where are near the capital city of the NAGANO prefecture between one of well-known samurai, Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin. Kenshin was one of the many powerful lords of the Sengoku period. He is famed for his prowess on the battlefield, the legendary rivalry with Takeda Shingen, his military expertise, strategy and his belief in the god of war — Bishamonten!

Here I am in front of my idol - Takeda Shingen's statue in Kofu, Yamanashi Japan.The banner he carried into battle was inscribed with these words: "Swift as the Wind, Silent as a Forest, Fierce as Fire and Immovable as a Mountain".The words that inspired Shingen came from a Chinese literary work, Sun Tsu's The Art of War.

Tanuki - The Japanese Raccoon at Takeda Jinja.

Takeda Shrine was built in 1919 to enshrine the spirit of Shingen at the site where three generations of Takeda (those of Nobutora, Shingen, and Katsuyori) all lived. Various Takeda-related important cultural assets are on display.

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