Thursday 25 August 2011

The Day After Trinity: The Clock Stopped At 11:02 AM

"I have decided to reposting this entry (previously in my blog) and dedicate to the memory of those who perished when atomic bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki half a century ago. May all the souls rest in peace".

August 9, 1945- At 9:44 a.m., "Bockscar", a B-29 Superfortress bomber carrying "Fat Man", the world’s third atomic bomb, arrives at its primary target, Kokura. The city is covered in haze and smoke from an American bombing raid on a nearby city. "Bockscar" turns to its secondary target Nagasaki. At 11:02 a.m. the world’s third atomic bomb explosion devastates Nagasaki, the intense heat and blast indiscriminately slaughters its inhabitants. President Truman speaks to the American people via radio broadcast. He states: 

"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in the first instance to avoid, in so far as possible, the killing of civilians.Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen as targets because of their concentration of activities and population."  More than 95 percent of those killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians and Soviet Union begins its offensive against Japan in Manchuria.

The clock stopped at 11:02 a.m., the moment the world's third atomic bomb, "Fat Man" is detonated above Nagasaki, Japan.

August 10,1945.The U.S. drops warning leaflets on Nagasaki on the day after the bombing.

August 13 - 14, 1945.Japanese physicists, investigating the epicenter of the Hiroshima bomb burst, start noticing high levels of radioactivity.

August 14,1945. Japan surrenders.
August 15,1945.Emperor Hirohito of Japan, in a radio broadcast to his nation, announces that Japan has lost the war. The Emperor’s announcement is hard to understand because he speaks in archaic court Japanese, but one fact is understood:

"Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to damage is indeed incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives." The New York Times reports, "Russia’s entry into the Japanese war was the decisive factor in speeding its end and would have been so, even if no atomic bombs had been dropped, is the opinion of Major-General Claire Chennault .."

September 2,1945. Japan formally signs documents of surrender.

Nagasaki - 66 years after the bombing
Images - Full Credit to Yahoo & Google images.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Langkawi Dark & Demonic Tales Of Gua Langsuir (Cave Of The Banshee)

Gua Langsuir , "Cave of the Sirens."or "Cave of the Banshee" - A famous cave on the island of Langkawi -Malaysia. It overlooks a narrow sea channel between the island and the main island of Langkawi. The channel provides the easiest access to the open sea for fishermen.

Gua Langsuir - One can easily reach here by hiring speedboats from Kuah Jetty.

According to folklores,a long time ago the cave was inhabited by three hideous female demons or Langsuir (from malay folklores, Langsuir is one of the most feared and deadliest of all banshees). It was believed that woman who died giving birth to their child, who also dies, will become a " Langsuir" after 40 days. She is described as being hideous with red piercing eyes, sharp and long claws, very long hair, a decayed face, and huge fangs. She is able to fly and is most often seen wearing a green or white robe.They also had the ability to assume the form of the most beautiful women, and would sing and behave in a provocative way whenever sailors of fishermen passed before them. The men would be so enchanted by them that they lost control and jumped into the roaring sea in order to swim to them. Most of the men drowned and those who succeeded in going up to the cliff to be with the sirens would be tortured to a slow and painful death, later to be devoured. So the people wisely stayed away and the sirens were not getting any more victims and grew bored.

One day, a lone fisherman who was both deaf and short-sighted rowed out in his boat towards the sea. He passed the cave of the sirens without noticing them. He was fishing and managed to catch a lot of fish in this area, which was understandable since all other fishermen avoided the place. The sirens were overjoyed for at last they would have another victim. They went out of their cave, positioned themselves on the cliff in front, and started to sing. The fisherman, unable to see or hear them, went about his business. At first this surprised the sirens since they never experienced this before and no one could resist their charm. Then surprise became disappointment, thinking they had lost their charm, and surprise turned into fear. They were afraid men would climb the cliff to ravish them, or that the relatives of their victims would have their revenge on them. In their fear and confusion, the flew away from the cave never to return.
The men of Langkawi never knew who had saved them. And the deaf and short sighted fisherman was unaware of his meritorious services to the people of Langkawi.

Langsuir - A female vampiric ghost in Malay folklore, who can
change into a cricket or grasshopper. She flew through the night and would be heard wailing from the trees in the forest or uninhabited island.  (Images credit to Google)

I don't know if the legend is true or not but dont forget to visit Gua Langsuir once you are in Langkawi. However, This cave is recommended only for serious cavers with mountain climbing experience as the ascent to the cave demands great climbing skill and absolute physical fitness.

Crossing the Cave of Banshee requires walking & some wading. Some times of year the water is waist-deep !

Reference -

Monday 22 August 2011

Langkawi Island : The Healing Power Of Gamat (Sea Cucumber) Soap !

According to a popular version of the folktales, a fisherman named Gamat discovered the healing properties of gamat (sea cucumber) by chance more than 300 years ago.The fisherman discovered the strange looking sea creature when he was washed to a coral reef after his boat sank.Clinging to a wooden plank, Gamat drifted in the sea for a long time before reaching the reef.

The sharp edges of the coral further bruised his battered body. Gamat then saw this weird sea creature, caught it and ate it raw as he was very hungry. Then, he rubbed the fluid oozing from the creature onto his wounds.Miraculously his wounds healed fast - leaving no signs at all on his body. After been completely healed and got his energy restored, Gamat swam back to the shore.His survival stories spread like wildfire throughout the island. Since then, Langkawi folks have been taking gamat for healing wounds and restoring energy.

Sea Cucumber Soap Nicely Wrapped With Batik Cloth.

Gamat in Malay means sea cucumber. In wikipedia - it refers to medicinal remedies made from any of several species of the animal. The golden sea cucumber (Stichopus horrens) is commonly used. Gamat is usually the dried, powdered bodies of sea cucumbers made into a lotion or other topical salve. It is sometimes mixed into clay and applied as a facial mask, or put in tea and consumed for stomach complaints. The local people believe that a solution of sea cucumbers can heal cuts, skin eruptions, and ulcers, and claim that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It is also good to cure black spots, pimples,oily face,freckles and itchiness of your skin. 

Gaya Minami's Gamat Soap Contain A Natural Ingredient That Moisturizes Your Skin. 

Langkawi people have long believed that sea cucumber has wonderful healing powers.There are many version of stories on how was discovered.By the way, these sea Cucumber is not a cucumber at all; it is a marine life that is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and yet another gift to our good health from the sea.

(Image credit to Google)

Should you visit Langkawi Island, dont forget to bring back this magical soap together with with other gift. You can easily buy this gamat soap available at Gaya Minami Handicrafts located at Pantai Tengah (See map attached) or you may visit their website at for further info.

See you soon in Langkawi !

Sunday 21 August 2011

20th August - Happy Bithday Nana Chan !

So many wishes
So many smiles
Too many memories
Too few words
With one big Birthday
Happy Birthday Nana-chan !

Friday 19 August 2011

Masuk Hutan Keluar Hutan: Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai !

Saya tidak pernah menyesal meninggalkan tanah besar dan berhijrah ke Pulau Langkawi semenjak 15 tahun yang lalu.Bagi saya, suasana di sini amat nyaman, hutan hujannya masih subur menghijau dan banyak puncak puncak bukit disini mempunyai pemandangan yang amat menakjubkan.  Subhanallah !

Explorasi ke hutan Gunung Mat Chincang sekali lagi membuktikan yang ianya masih berpotensi besar untuk menjadi Taman Hidupan Liar di Langkawi.Ini kerana hutan hujan ini masih terdapat burung burung, haiwan hutan serta serangga eksotik pelbagai warna dan rupa yang ditemui sepanjang ekspidisi tengah hari tadi. 
Berbagai pohon pohon besar bersaiz balak juga tumbuh subur di hutan ini dan sesetengah flora di gunung ini yang mempunyai nilai perubatan yang amat tinggi. Contoh terbaik- pokok Tongkat Ali !

Pendek kata, "product" sudah ada, hanya menunggu agensi tempatan yang berminat saja untuk membuat promosi. Tetapi janganlah sampai kawasan hutan hujan tersebut terlalu "dicommersialisedkan" dan berkemungkinan menjejaskan alam sekitar Pulau Langkawi.Sebagai contoh, bilangan pelawat harus dihadkan supaya tidak mengganggu dan merosakkan alam sekitar. Cuba tengok apa sudah jadi dengan Pulau Payar akibat kegagalan memantau bilangan pelancong yang berlebihan masuk?
 Punah ranah akhirnya.

Pesanan saya, pemantauan berterusan diperlukan di kawasan ini untuk mengelakkan pihak-pihak tertentu menyeludup keluar hasil eksotik hutan seperti pelanduk, napoh dan ayam hutan ataupun pepohon balak untuk tembolok taukeh-taukeh besar. Puak puak yang mencuri hasil hutan ini tidak memahami nilai sebenar hutan. Bagi mereka, hasil hari ini adalah lebih penting dari hari kemudian. Mereka terlupa apa yang orang putih pernah berkata "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better".

Diharap rayuan saya ini mendapat kerjasama kerajaan negeri dan sokongan anda semua yang masih menghargai pemberian Allah amatlah dihargai. Bukannya apa, semoga generasi masa depan dapat menikmati keindahan alam hasil perjuangan pejuang hari ini  :-)
Amin !

P/S:  The above is free from any political mileage.Hanya pendapat jujur tuan empunya blog. 

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Hiroshima: Bridge to Forgiveness - Bacaan Terbaik Buat Semua !

Buku karangan Takashi Tanemori berjudul Hiroshima: Bridge To Forgiveness adalah bacaan terbaik yang pernah saya baca untuk tahun 2011. Buku yang berbaur dengan perasaan benci dan sayang ini adalah kisah benar dan memoir penulis sendiri yang menyaksikan kezaliman tentera bersekutu mengebom bandar Hiroshima pada bulan Ogos tahun 1945. Akibat serangan dasyat tersebut, Takashi kehilangan ibu bapa serta 2 lagi adik beradik dan beliau sendiri menjadi yatim piatu. Diceritakan juga disini kisah penulis yang terpaksa hidup sendirian dijalanan sehingga berumur 18 tahun dimana beliau bertekad untuk ke bumi Amerika untuk membalas dendam !
 (Anda boleh membaca kisah post serangan keatas Hiroshima oleh saya disini :

Buku ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana penulis mengharungi hidup yang tertekan akibat radiasi bom atom sewaktu beliau berumur 8 tahun sehingga ke hari ini.  

Sebuah buku "spiritual" yang harus dibaca !

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wordless Wednesday #2 : Live, Life & Inspired

Toyotomi Hideyoshi - was born a commoner but rose to be the most powerful man in Japan. He inspired me to know and be true to myself, and to live my life for the benefit of others.

Do you know yourself and can you live more truly to yourself ?

Penemuan Tulang Gergasi Kaum Nabi Hud-Satu Pembohongan !

Saya pernah terbaca kisah penemuan tulang gergasi di bumi Arab yang kononnya milik kaum Aad yang hidup pada zaman Nabi Hud. Dikhabarkan tulang-tulang tersebut ditemui secara tidak sengaja sewaktu explorasi Syarikat Aramco mencari minyak & gas di padang pasir " Rab-Ul-Khalee" di Timur Barat.

Kisah yang mula timbul pada awal bulan Oktober 2002 ini dikatakan menjadi rahsia tentera dan kawasan tersebut juga telah ditutup untuk umum serta dikawal rapi pihak tentera. Walau bagaimanapun rahsia tersebut akhirnya bocor dan gambar-gambar penemuan tulang  tersebut mula tersebar di internet pada tahun yang sama di Arab Saudi. 

Untuk pengetahuan umum, Al-Qur’an memang pernah menyingkap cerita kaum Aad ini setelah diutusnya Nabi Hud untuk membawa agama kepada mereka. Malahan Nabi Hud sendiri adalah berasal dari kaum yang bernama Aad. Tidak dinafikan kaum Aad memang terkenal dengan kekuatan fizikal kerana mereka dikatakan memiliki tubuh yang amat besar serta bersaiz tinggi. Kaum ini dikatakan tinggal di suatu kawasan gurun pasir yang bernama Al-Ahqaf. Mengikut ahli sejarah, kawasan padang pasir ini dipenuhi dengan gunung-gunung pasir dan tampak dari puncaknya lautan.

Untuk yang belum pernah mendengar cerita ini , saya sertakan disini beberapa keping gambar yang kononnya ditemui sewaktu explorasi tersebut sekadar untuk berkongsi bersama.  

Namun setelah kajian terperinci dilakukan, ianya terbukti imej "hoax" atau satu pembohongan.Ini kerana gambar-gambar tersebut adalah gambar yang di edit melalui perisian "Photoshop" untuk satu pertandingan yang dianjurkan oleh laman website  

Gambar asal tulang-tulang tersebut adalah tulang haiwan "Mastodon" (Gajah Pra-Sejarah) milik Cornell University yang ditemui sewaktu explorasi arkeologi menggali dan mencari fosil haiwan tersebut beberapa tahun yang lalu . Ianya kemudian di edit menjadikannya gambar seolah-olah rangka manusia yang boleh berdiri setinggi 30 kaki !
Duh !!!

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Meet KD Laksamana Tan Pusmah-The Pride Of Royal Navy.

Meet RMN KD Laksamana Tan Pusmah-The Pride Of RMN.The details of this ship is highly classified.This corvettes class battleship was delivered with a more modern combat command system and now in RMN base Langkawi. The ships are all named after famous Malay warriors who have earned the title Laksamana during their lifetimes. "Laksamana" would translate as an Admiral in modern usage, but in the Malay Sultanates, the title would be more as a minister of the realm (a warrior) who is responsible for defense of the realm. The Laksamana is the second most senior position the Malay court, lower only to the "Bendahara".

RMN Fennec Helicopter.

One in a life time experience to enter RMN forefront battleship.

KD Kedah & KD Laksamana Tan Pusmah- a view from RMN base at Langkawi.

Class overview
Operators: Royal Malaysian Navy
General characteristics
Displacement:675 tons full load
Length:62.3 m (204 ft)
Beam:9.3 m (30.5 ft)
Draught:2.8 m (9 ft)
  • 4 diesels
  • 4 shafts developing
  • 20,400 bhp (15,200 kW)
Speed:36 knots (67 km/h)
Range:2,300 nautical miles (4,300 km) at 18 knots (33 km/h)
Sensors and
processing systems:
  • RAN-12 air/surface search radar
  • Kelvin Hughes 1007 navigation radar
  • Diodon hull Sonar
  • 2 RTN-10X fire control
Electronic warfare
and decoys:
  • Gamma suite
  • SCLAR chaff
  • 1 x 76 mm OTO DP gun and 1 x dual 40 mm AA
  • 4-cell Albatros SAM (12 Aspide missiles)
  • 6 x Otomat II SSM
  • 6 x 12.75-inch (324 mm) torpedo tubes
Class overview
Operators: Royal Malaysian Navy
General characteristics
Displacement:675 tons full load
Length:62.3 m (204 ft)
Beam:9.3 m (30.5 ft)
Draught:2.8 m (9 ft)
  • 4 diesels
  • 4 shafts developing
  • 20,400 bhp (15,200 kW)
Speed:36 knots (67 km/h)
Range:2,300 nautical miles (4,300 km) at 18 knots (33 km/h)
Sensors and
processing systems:
  • RAN-12 air/surface search radar
  • Kelvin Hughes 1007 navigation radar
  • Diodon hull Sonar
  • 2 RTN-10X fire control
Electronic warfare
and decoys:
  • Gamma suite
  • SCLAR chaff
  • 1 x 76 mm OTO DP gun and 1 x dual 40 mm AA
  • 4-cell Albatros SAM (12 Aspide missiles)
  • 6 x Otomat II SSM
  • 6 x 12.75-inch (324 mm) torpedo tubes

Sources - Wikipedia

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.

Monday 15 August 2011

Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 - Yet Another Autumn Trip!

Fushimi Inari Taisha - One of Kyoto's oldest and most revered Shinto shrines, Fushimi Inari serves as the headquarters for all the 40,000 shrines dedicated to Inari across Japan. Originally the god of rice, Inari now governs the modern equivalent: success and prosperity in business. Fushimi Inari Shrine draws thousands of businessmen and tradespeople seeking blessings for their enterprises, especially at the first prayers of the New Year.It is also famous for its thousands of vermilion torii gates, which straddle a network of trails behind its main buildings.

A walking path leads through a tunnel of torii gates.

Dragon fountain with dippers, Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto, Japan

I have dreamed of taking my daughters to Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine in Kyoto since I read about it few years ago. I have photos of them running up the steep hillside heading to the fox statues. These photos are above and beyond glorious.

Foxes are thought to be Inari's messengers, resulting in many fox statues across the shrine grounds.

The fall colors of Fushimi Inari, Kyoto. When the sun rays hit the red momoji leaves and make them glitter warmly.

Our trip was coming to an end, but our happy times were just beginning!

Lunch in Kyoto.

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Memburu Jerung Putih Pembunuh : Saya Sahut Cabaran Ke Osaka !

Kedamaian Pulau Amity kini tidak seperti dahulu.Ada sesuatu di perut lautan pulau tersebut yang mula menyerang pengunjung yang selalu bermandi manda di persisiran pantai di situ.Kini, ketakutan penduduk setempat mula menjadi mimpi ngeri apabila beberapa keping gambar tersebar mengenai amukan seekor jerung putih "monster" (Great White Shark) yang mengganas dan membaham mangsa terbaru.Saya diberitahu tawaran hampir RM10,000 akan diberikan kepada sesiapa yang dapat menangkap monster tersebut - "Dead or Alive' !

Ini peluang terbaik saya untuk merebut tawaran tersebut dan saya tidak akan melepaskan peluang ini. Walaupun ada sedikit perasaan takut dibaham jerung,saya percaya kebarangkalian untuk jerung putih menyerang manusia secara spontan adalah amat kecil.

Misi pemburuan saya bermula dari Pulau Langkawi ke Singapura sebelum meneruskan perjalanan ke Jepun dengan pesawat Singapore Airlines. Penerbangan awal pagi (0115hrs) tersebut memerlukan masa hampir 7 jam sebelum pesawat mendarat di lapangan terbang Kansai di Osaka Jepun.Walaupun saya telah beberapa kali pergi memancing di lautan Jepun, ternyata saya lebih "excited" dengan trip kali ini.

Saya sampai di Pelabuhan Amity,Osaka pada awal pagi musim panas dan keadaan di situ cukup tenang seolah tiada apa apa yang berlaku. Namun selepas berbual dengan penduduk tempatan, saya diberitahu yang mereka pernah terserempak dengan jerung tersebut yang masih lagi kelihatan berlegar legar di kawasan terumbu tidak jauh dari pelabuhan.  

Bukti nyata.Tawaran wang tunai USD3000 ( Hampir RM10,000) akan diberikan kepada sesiapa yang dapat menumpaskan jerung tersebut .Hati saya mula berdebar debar untuk memburu jerung pembunuh itu.

Akhirnya jerung "monster" tersebut berjaya didaratkan.Terbukti ianya bukan calang calang jerung.Laporan menyatakan yang berat ikan tersebut hampir mencecah 1000 kilogram !

Sekeluarga bergambar bersama jerung yang berjaya ditangkap.
Kenangan yang cukup manis dan pasti tidak akan dapat dilupakan.

Untuk pengetahuan umum, cerita diburu dan memburu jerung "monster" ini bukanlah aksi sebenar di luar sana. Ianya hanyalah cerita rekaan didalam Studio JAWS Universal Studios Osaka sewaktu lawatan saya tempoh hari di sana. Plot cerita-cerita tersebut adalah adaptasi dari filem JAWS terbitan Universal Pictures tahun 1975  lakonan Roy Scheider di bawah arahan Steven Spielberg.

 Filem seram ngeri JAWS ini betul-betul meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam terhadap saya selepas saya menonton buat kali pertama pada tahun 1984.Ini kerana pada satu ketika saya cukup takut untuk berenang di pantai pantai percutian kerana terbayangkan serangan ngeri ikan jerung dalam filem tersebut.

Poster asli filem "blockbuster" tersebut.Adakah anda masih ingat ?

Universal Studios Osaka. Walaupun tiket masuk mencecah ratusan ringgit , ianya memang berbaloi ! Kepada yang belum pernah sampai, anda boleh melihat sendiri aksi aksi serangan jerung tersebut di video bawah :) 

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.