Wednesday 23 March 2011

Langkawi - My Own PhotoShelter.

Today's post is an essentially random collection of my own personal pictures V (^ _ ^)

                                         Macro Close Up

Our desire to see objects up close is innate.Like telescopes, macro lens offer a safe haven for viewing the world around us. Ini adalah antara beberapa keping gambar cubaan saya untuk "close up". Gambar ini di rakam di Ulu Melaka, Langkawi.

Magical times

There's so much photographic opportunity in a field of wildflowers at Langkawi mountains range.I am using Nikkor 35-80mm.Despite the negatives about this lens (plastic lens mount, slow minimum apertures, questionable build quality) it was surprisingly good for snapshots around the house or on the street.

                                                              Dont Mess with Me!

This is one of my favorite images to date, and the reason is because I personally love the message here: Defiance and even "rebel"!

                               Meet Uncle Hermit from Tanjung Rhu

At first sight-Hermit crab at Tanjung Rhu Langkawi.You bet! It's not the traditional choice, but shooting close ups with a wide angel lens is a worthy investigation.


?! Bryan Petterson - Seorang photograher professional pernah berkata: Why I am not a wildlife photographer Patience You need a lot of it, and when they were giving out the patience genes, I quickly got bored and left the line that everyone else was standing in . Saya memang setuju!!



Look really sharp but sometimes a bit too artificial for me.
Took this image just at the back of my home in Langkawi.

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