Tuesday 22 March 2011

Langkawi - Pretty Photos Of The Cats & Insects.

We had a nice storm blow through in Langkawi last night, so I sat near to my window, switch "on" the PC, enjoying the rain, angin, guruh, and halilintar while I worked. Terjumpa beberapa keping gambar kucing kesayangan yang kini tengah tidur "melentok" di bawah meja ditepi saya.



 Naomi (my wife) love the name of Gonbei as to remember Kayano Gonbei, a Japanese Samurai of the late Edo period, who served the Matsudaira clan of Aizu during Boshin War. Berat si Gonbei ini hampir mencecah 7 kilogram! 

Another shot with Sigma 70-300mm.

Teru Chan

 Isteri saya percaya kepada "Destiny" atau "Pertemuan". Lalu dibawa pulang ke rumah si Teru Chan yang asyik mengikuti dan menangis kepada beliau di Pasar Padang Mat Sirat beberapa bulan yang lalu. Kini umur Teru Chan sudah hampir setahun.Cukup cepat masa berlalu. 

Mi-ke, Tora & Miru Chan

            Earlier, There WAS a minor traffic jam Bila Ketiga-tiga Mahu Bergambar Bersama .            Beautiful, clever, Wonderful, amazing, kind and Kitty! Ketiga-tiga Adalah Anak Kepada Teru Chan!

Nikkor 35-80mm with Telephoto.

Cicada Not Cenkadak!

Cicada -. The noisemakers with distinctive song Another sound producing locust like crickets
At one point while I was working, ada seekor cicada (Orang Langkawi panggil "Riang-Riang") landed on the top edge of my PC screen, and sat there beberapa minit memerhatikan jari jemari saya menaip di keyboard komputer. Terus saya menyambar kamera and I Happened to Have Shot snapped this. After a while, he Flew off.
Inilah rupanya ........

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