Thursday 8 September 2011

A Pro Camera Wont Make You A Pro Photographer.

I have yet to meet anyone who hasn't expressed at least once in their lifetime, "Where did all the time go"? For me,writting this blog has been a real eye opener in many respects, in particular in making me suddenly aware of where all the time did actually go.More than 25 years have passed since that fateful day when my father placed a camera in my hands.If nothing else,this sudden awareness of time is proof that passion is truly great,invisible time keeper.I know that the calendar tells me I'm 34,but it is in marked contrast to what my "9 " years old heart still feels today...that every day is a photographic opportunity !!!

By the way, here is few photos taken during my early days in photography :)
Although, all the images was poor in depth of field, aperture and composition but still not bad huh ? 

Taken at the time when I dont know anything about photography 1. 

Taken at the time when I dont know anything about photography (Part 11) 

Taken at the time when I  know nothing about photography (Part 111) 

Moral of the story: A pro camera wont make you a pro photographer no matter what the guy at the camera store tells you. You need to learn..learn..and learn ! :)