Saturday 10 September 2011

Teru Teru Bozu - Rain Stopping Ghost

It's been raining a "Noah's flood" here all morning and I thought that I should hang my "Teru Teru Bozu" (amulet that supposed to have magical powers) to bring good weather and to stop a rainy day.
While I was in Japan, the children and farmer there traditionally hang these in a window frame when they wanted the next day to have good weather. Teru Teru Bozu also can be hung upside down if you want it to rain tomorrow. They are actually just a paper dolls made of white paper or cloth  hanging outside of their window by a string .They are still a very common sight in Japan.Remember - make sure that you hang the Teru Teru Bozu upright otherwise it will bring more rain :)

My own version (super ugly) Teru Teru Bozu :(
As for me, there's no cure for this obsession...

Teru-teru-bozu, teru bozu
Do make tomorrow a sunny day

Like the sky in a dream sometime
If it's sunny I'll give you a golden bell

Teru-teru-bozu, teru bozu
Do make tomorrow a sunny day
If you make my wish come true
We'll drink lots of sweet rice wine

Teru-teru-bozu, teru bozu
Do make tomorrow a sunny day
But if the clouds are crying (it's raining)
Then I shall snip your head off...:(