Sunday 24 April 2011

Langkawi Island - My Own PhotoShelter - Part 2

The question is not what you look at but what you see – Exposure, Composition, Color Management, Processing,Workflow and More.Test shots all these images with all type of camera from Nikon Coolpix to D3000..

All these pix was shot in Langkawi. Enjoy !

There's so much photographic opportunity in a field of wildflowers at Langkawi mountains range or Gunung Raya..

I got a number of winners. This was one of my favorites.

You dont have to go far to find the colour of green. It is the most dominat colour around your house! This pix was shot with the dirt cheap Vivitar lense and yet the result is brilliant.

Important note : When shooting any close up or macro composition - go for manual focus rather than auto focus.

A common spider found around my garden. Look at the eerie and creepy eyes. Yikessss.

I love the contrast between the subject and the background. I moved just enough to let a small lights out from behind and the spider to be part of the overall composition . At these close, who need tripod? 

This pix was shot at Lubuk Semilang Waterfalls in Langkawi.

So, is it really safe to say that frontlight doesnt pose any great exposure challenges? The quality and colour of frontlight are best in the first hour after sunrise and during the last few hours of daylighting.

All photos are copyright the photographer and may not be used without written permission. Thank you.
All images copyright © Langkawi Ink.Com. All rights reserved