Wednesday 13 April 2011

LASSIE - Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

The Langkawi Animal Shelter and Sanctuary Foundation is set-up to receive, rehabilitate and care for neglected, abused and needy animals. I cannot think of a better way to pay tribute to this kind hearted people of helping the animals here in Langkawi by posting this blog in dedication to them. As an animal lover, I salute the Bon Ton Resort and it is because of them, I understood that animals have souls just like us and my eyes opened up to the suffering of animals in Langkawi.  For further information or inquiries please visit or C/O Bon Ton Resort, Tel: +60 (0)4 955 6787 / 3643, Fax: +60 (0)4 955 4791
or Email:

The bond between us only grew stronger here in Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary as both of us love cat ! Meowww.... 

 This cute cat would entertain all the volunteers and visitors as they went about their daily tasks.

Stray dog -they have souls and feelings and emotions and feel fear and love and anger just like we do ! 

 All  wildlife brought to the shelter are treated and once healthy are then returned back to nature.

Be friend with me. 

 Once again , thank you everyone who helping to end the needless suffering of animals in need.Kudos to all of you !

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.