Thursday 21 April 2011

From Tokyo With Love

Let's be honest.I love the sunny beaches of Langkawi but at the same time I am seduced and consumed by the sensual of Tokyo's summer. By 2011, I have fallen into and out of love with every quater of the city many times over.The forces and rhythms that effect my developing relationship with Tokyo & Kyoto are recorded by the most daily entries of my personal journal.

Aqua City in Tokyo.The observation deck also offers nice view of the bay area and as far as Mount Fuji on clear days.

As viewed from the ground on Odaiba City.

The Statue of Liberty - Liberty Enlightening the World is a colossal neoclassical sculpture at Odaiba City in Tokyo.

Samurai bronze gift at Asakusa Temple,Tokyo.

Katana at Asakusa Temple

Erika & Nana -both of my daughter love the graceful flower framing Mount Fuji in Shizuoka Prefecture.Fuji San is the highest mountain in Japan - 12,388 ft and often considered the symbol of the country. This photo was shot from Hanamiyako Koen in Shizuoka, the home of Fuji San.

Above is a very poorly reconstructed scene of what it would look like were Mt. Fuji not covered in clouds. My camera was on wide angle and the sun was high overhead. A little zoom, a lower sun, and fewer clouds and this has to be one fantastic scene to behold. The entire left outline of Fuji San is visible and the right side reveals more from here than most Fuji views from the east. The scene in front of Mt. Fuji is also very nice, although the above photo doesn’t do it justice! Sigh!

Japan - It has been a wonderful year, but now it is over. I took over 6,000 pictures, of which less than 5% have appeared on the Facebook & my blog so far. In other words, if you’re still interested, I’ll keep sharing them

Mount Fuji Station 5 . From Tokyo, take the Kawaguchiko I.C. on Chuo Expressway. Turn Right onto Route 139. Turn Left onto Fuji Subaru Line.

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