Tuesday 17 May 2011

Langkawi Offshore Sensation

Burau Bay ( Teluk Burau ) running out of fishes ? Our few hours fishing proves that there are still decent fishes around the waters of Burau Bay in Langkawi.You just got to work hard to get them as exemplified by us who fished non stop for few hours under the sun and eventually rewarded with so many fishes.

The dream of catching a giant goliath grouper ( Kerapu Kertang ) has always been one of my personal goals but the fish remain elusive.

This grouper was caught during our previous trip.

The hungry and scrawny grouper provided plenty of entertainment for our duration of night fishing.

We caught many Garoupa of this medium size,but where are the big mamas hiding ?

20 minutes of fishing - 6 grouper.

Swordfish or Todak of pure silver muscle. Caught by Erika !

A vey strong stingray which tried to stung our fingers and demolish our rods.

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