Tuesday 28 June 2011

Freezing Action : Close Up Photography.

Want to finally understand exposure? Composition? Colour? Interested in learning to "see" and composing your images more creatively? Every amateur photographer needs to be close to with nature and surrounding. As a beginner, I am trying to produce something original and use of that to inspire others not just to take more pictures but to build up their own skills and contribute to the genre.

Remember - Photography is not just about aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Most of good photographer aren't gifted , they've simply learned about it and try to be the best. Whether you live in country side or city, "kampung house" or condominium, do not feel shy to learn.
There are so many web and blogs where you can read about photography and I recommend reading as much as you possibly can.

By the way,Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who've contributed to this blog and have left comments.  I never thought about being a photographer as a career until I started posting photos on my blog but honestly, I got a better job to do. 

 " The question is not what you look at but what you see ! "

Interested parties are welcomed to reproduce or quote materials published in this blog with the condition  that they are credited to http://hasnulyakin.blogspot.com/ to avoid misunderstanding.Thank you.