Monday 13 June 2011

A Macro Setting Does Not A Macro Lens Make.

In my previous post, I had explored multipal lens configurations that were available at cheap cost, which would enable an amateur photographer like myself the opportunity to experiment with super-telephoto lenses.

According to Bryan Peterson , author of Understanding Photography Field Guide "If you are intent on experiencing an endless journey in the world of macro photography, then you must also embrace the truth that anything you point the lens at has the potential to be a blockbuster image - anything !"

 On a bright sunny day.

"Cheap Macro ? Who Cares ?"

You bet ! My worst shot ever ! Yikes !
( Since I had left the house in hurry mood..) 

Some wonderful up-close and personal shot that also "tell stories" about Langkawi. Heh !

Praying Mantis
Macro shot without extension tube...

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