Saturday 25 June 2011

The Japanese Alps - Roof Of Japan & A Heaven On Earth !

A couple of months ago I mentioned on the blog how I wish to visit Kamikochi National Park in Nagano Prefecture, north of Tokyo ( Nagano Prefecture is often referred to as the "Roof of Japan"  ) Here are some photos from this trip, more specifically some of the wildlife I met walking around Taishoike, the lower parts of the river that is the centre of the national park. Due to it’s high elevation, it remains pretty cool even in the summer and nights tend to get chilly, as I discovered trying to sleep rough on the way up there to save on hotel money. As with all Japanese national parks, it is not the most tiring of hikes, easily enjoyed even for the elderly and children. I guess the Japanese perception of nature plays in here: no matter how much we wish to preserve nature, there’s a few vending machines even here!
 Still, for a long weekend out of Tokyo, it is hard to beat in terms of sheer beauty!
 Entrance is free but the ride there can get very expensive.

Kamikochi In Nagano

Video by Yukako2007.

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